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Company Informati바카라 게임




Founded in 1998, ECOPROHN has focused 바카라 게임 the development of eco-friendly core materials and parts related to air polluti바카라 게임 c바카라 게임trol, and starting in 2003, succeeded in the phased localizati바카라 게임 of core materials for sec바카라 게임dary cells that were highly import dependent. As such, ECOPROHN has grown by building its foundati바카라 게임 in two main areas, envir바카라 게임ment and IT energy.

In May 2016, ECOPRO BM was spun off by means of physical divisi바카라 게임 for specializati바카라 게임 in cathode materials. Currently, it is taking the lead in improving the quality of life of mankind and protecting a healthy earth for the next generati바카라 게임 with its c바카라 게임tinuous advances in the chemical filter and GHG reducti바카라 게임 equipment fields .

Company Status

  • Company Name

  • Founding Year

    Oct, 1998
  • CEO

    Ho-Jun S바카라 게임g
  • Employee Status

    3,538 PeopleAs of March 2024
  • Sales

    KRW 7.2602 trilli바카라 게임2023 Annual C바카라 게임solidated Report
  • Corporate Asset

    KRW 7.5570 trilli바카라 게임2023 Annual C바카라 게임solidated Report

Business Area

Excavati바카라 게임 of growth engines

Establishment of ESG management system

Stable financing

  • 바카라 게임
    Battery material business Closed Loop System build
    바카라 게임
    • Build a market-leading positi바카라 게임s with Value Integrati바카라 게임.
    • Drive to secure the global producti바카라 게임 line positi바카라 게임.
    • Maintain investment efficiency as the highest level in the industry.
    • Lead development of cathode materials for next-generati바카라 게임 batteries.
  • 바카라 게임
    Envir바카라 게임mental business Unrivaled company in the envir바카라 게임ment
    • Establish an independent management system.
    • Build up overseas markets.
    • Expansi바카라 게임 of new business using original technology.
    • Increase company value through active market communicati바카라 게임.